The Process

During the course of a typical week, Todd meets with several different Pastors for a variety of reasons. We never do any solicitation but allow God to send who He chooses our way. Once we get a call that someone is interested, a meeting over lunch usually takes place. Todd then explains our ministry to the inquiring Pastor and answers questions. A important question he always asks the Pastor is “what is it that you need most?” If there is interest, both parties agree to pray and continue communication if so led. The next step would be for Todd, and Denise (if necessary), to meet with the Church Leadership. Then both groups pray again about entering a partnership. The initial time frame starts with one year. At the end of this time an evaluation takes place. Have we or are we accomplishing what we were brought here for? Are there obstacles preventing this from taking place? Do we need more time? Is this working out for both parties? If so we typically agree to another year. Our main focus is always to hep the Pastor and it looks different in every church. While we are with a particular congregation we become part of the body…being involved with as many things as we can while serving. No matter what we are typically brought in for there is always much more to do. We usually are mentoring or discipling others while we are there. Very few churches have enough leaders so we are always searching for and training potential prospects as well.